Connection (Consult)

We live in an attention based economy run by social media

The most direct path to the top is through high-value content creation

Post value -> Build attention -> Create wealth

Once you learn how to tap into your infinite creative source

You've beaten the game...

2 Week Quality and Efficiency Focused Content Creation Coaching: Free! (Limited Time)

  • 30 min Consultation
  • Set 2 Week Goal
  • Product/Service Analysis
  • Content/Ad Perspective
  • Editing Made Easy
  • Caption/Hashtags
  • Regular Accountability Support
  • Weekly 15 min Check-in Call
  • Meet Goal

Fully Edited 1 Minute Video With Live Lesson: $89 (Limited Time)

  • 1 Hour Consultation
  • Includes Everything in 2 Week Coaching
  • I Edit Up To A Minute Long Video For You
  • Full Process Walkthrough

15 Minute Business Startup Challenge: Free!

  • 15 min Call
  • Business Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Diffyset Game Tour
  • Skip First 3 Levels